Time in Urumqi,China now

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Current time in Urumqi,China (UTC+8)‎

China Standard Time (CST)

▪ This page provides the current time in Urumqi,China. You can know, What time is it in Urumqi,China now. which is accurate to milliseconds. To ensure the accuracy of the time, this page is synchronized with the time center standard time every five minutes.

▪ Refresh time: The latest time will be obtained from the server. After a long run, the page needs to be refreshed to obtain the latest time;

▪ Your internet speed will affect the accuracy of time, with a general error of less than half a second;

Daylight Saving Time History in Urumqi,China

Urumqi,China has observed DST for 17 years between 1919 and 1991.
Urumqi,China last observed Daylight Saving Time in 1991.China has never implemented daylight saving time since 1991.

Relevant information about Urumqi,China

International Telephone Area Code: 0086991

Time difference with Beijing: No time difference

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